Eyebrows tooooo thick??? - unusually large and thick penis
Are they too big for my face ... and is the gap that existed between them?
Yes, and it seems that I have a lazy eye?
Eyebrows tooooo thick??? - unusually large and thick penis
Are they too big for my face ... and is the gap that existed between them?
Yes, and it seems that I have a lazy eye?
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theyre really thick brush does not come with a brush eyebrows and they are only looking to the right
They are beautiful, as it xD
They look good. But if your still a little anxious to know, from a few hairs from a little thin. Because if win shows that people are looking around the eyes. To include eyebrows. I have enough wide / thick eyebrows and cover my pony and I'm too lazy and afraid to look for someone to snatch from.
You do not have thick eyebrows, k? I think if you have something to start your eyebrows, like wax or end with the face
You need more of an arc and not lazy eye.
You're pretty
Starting just a few eyebrows
and negative in the lazy eye ^ _ ^
They look great! If you are a little more to be polished. And you have a Lazy Eye
mo Lazy Eye.
arc more
mo Lazy Eye.
arc more
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