Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sperm How Long Does It Live In A Womanpics How Long Does Sperm Live In A Woman's Body?

How long does sperm live in a woman's body? - sperm how long does it live in a womanpics

How long can you wait in the body of a woman to live an egg?


angel e said...

Sperm can be 3 to 5 days per calendar year to a woman.

All women ovulate differently. People will tell you that the average woman ovulate 14 days from the date of commencement of the period. But I suggest you) try a Ovulation Predictor Kit (costumes.

If ovulation and sperm lives in you, you may be pregnant.

A major player in the ability of the couple to the cervical mucus of women is pregnant. The cervical mucus is a gel like substance produced by glands minutes in the cervix. The consistency of cervical mucus varies throughout the cycle of a woman.

Before the possibility of ovulation (low of pregnancy):
The first few days following menstruation, there is little or no discharge present.

Approaching Ovulation (chance) of pregnancy:
The fTSRI discharge is too humid and sticky, and should be white or cream. In the test finger, easily break the mucus.

Act, the possibility of) around ovulation (high rates of pregnancy:
At this point, like mucus proteins. It is the most beautiful, clearest and most abundant in this phase of the cycle. During this stage, the survival rate of sperm higher. It can survive in cervical mucus up to 72 hours, more than during the rest of the cycle.

) After ovulation occasionally (low of pregnancy:
After ovulation, there is a significant change in the appearance of mucus. Back to the sticky stage (not during the finger test) stretch and it is still a feeling of dryness around the vulva.

What is hostile cervical mucus?
The cervical mucus is described as "hostile" if it is too thick, so that sperm in the cervix, preventing the conception penetrate described.

Women who take Clomid for ovulation is often seen to induce hostile mucus.

One way to counter the hostile mucus is to use a lubricant to create a better environment. Pre-Seed is the only lubricant on the market, which has shown to counteract the problem of hostile mucus and is not harmful to sperm. The vast majority of personal lubricants on the market today are not sperm friendly and actually reduce your chances of conceiving because of the fact that damage to sperm.

Another way the problem of hostile cervical mucus to help, is to take guaifenesin. Guaifenesin is the active ingredient in Robitussin, ad in the fight against the cough syrup in the United States. Would you like a resistor cough syrup with knowledge is the only active ingredient as guaifenesin. All others can effect you are looking for.

The recommended dose is two teaspoons (200 mg) three times daily orally. If mucus still appears thick, can be used as the maximum dose on the label of the medicine for coughs. The intake should be increased to mucus production and a full glass with each dose of guaifenesin must encourage be taken.

Most doctors recommend taking Robitussin five days prior to and including the day of ovulation for a total of 6 days during cycle.This helps provide an optimal environment to help the sperm to survive and get to where we need to go. If you have a Clomid Waiting, until he suggested, is the day after the last Clomid pill before you took Robitussin.

Guaifenesin is also available in the form of tablets, and you can find your local pharmacy

ilovepho... said...

I have this on Google: "The live sperm cells in the body
The maximum is five days in general, and only if it is an optimal cervical mucus, the egg whites or water. Cum longer in the liquid, which ends shortly before ovulation. If you have recently menstruation, or is it again soon, sperm probably not more than a day or two, if not the liquid through the cervix hostile, while the rest of the month.
Here you will find more information and advice:
It is a fact that sperm can live 4-5 days in your body, in contrast, what you have heard or read. In addition, the egg is able to live within 12-24 hours. Therefore, your fertile period starts about 4-5 days before ovulation and ends 12-24 hours after ovulation. If the carpeth, it is possible that a woman is fertile for up to 7 days. You may have heard that you can only get pregnant one or two days per month ... Absolutely not true! You may only ovulate that long, but with the life of the egg and sperm cell life, period fertility may be much higher. Another piece of information that many women do not know is that female sperm are slower but stronger and therefore live longer than their male sperm are faster but weaker. In other words, the semen is usually the female sperm beat in the race for the egg, sperm, women still tend to live male sperm. Have for this reason, if you try for a girl, the sex of the 5th, 4th and 3 Day before ovulation and then abstain.
Depending on the time of ovulation. If there is a lot of mucus (usually much, when ovulation), iIt can last 5 days. If this is not usually one or two days. "

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