Saturday, February 6, 2010

Is A Stomach Virus Going Around January 2010 Am I?????????????????????????????…

Am i?????????????????????????????… - is a stomach virus going around january 2010

1-13 around January I had unprotected sex, but he would resign and everything. I know there are still pregnant, the possibility of me
But a bad week, I had cramps in my back and stomach. 1 days, I had a little blood when I went into the bathroom and my stomach still. i dont know if the stomach virus or if I am pregnant or what. idk.


Lola said...

Blood is an infection of the urinary tract to get tested

klail said...

You can go to the doctor and be tested for sexually transmitted diseases. several of these symptoms are very similar to what you described. Most are easy care with antibiotics, but untreated it can affect your fertility in the street. It would also mean for a treatment and not infect others.

trshdout... said...

Thas urinated blood, so different from his era. Nevertheless, you can probly want to have control.

trshdout... said...

Thas urinated blood, so different from his era. Nevertheless, you can probly want to have control.

Scratch And Sniff said...

Lot is very risky because of the pre-Cu * m happens to everyone

madyloh said...

a pregnancy test to make sure. could be good.

Audraaay... said...

You can spend your time

Tell your mother or your doctor

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